Some links

Web Poll

This link is a sample of the work I have done for Reach Communications Consulting, Inc. Click the "Take the Reach Poll" on the right hand navigation on the home page.

Reach Communications Consulting, Inc: »

360 Profiler

This link is a sample of the work I have done for Reach Communications Consulting, Inc. and shows the versatility of Lotus Domino. You will have to register to see what all the fuss is about!

Reach Communications Consulting, Inc: 360 Profiler »

My company

APR Consulting is the company I work for. Well, it's my company. I have big plans for what, so far, is quite a small operation. At the moment we specialise in Lotus Domino development. But we have skills that stretch far and wide. Visit APR Consulting and see what we can do for you.

APR Consulting: APR Web »

Randall's web gallery

I enjoy taking photos with my digital and SLR camera's. The shots on my gallery are for sharing my families travels and memorable events. The web gallery site is somewhere for me to put these individual images on display for friends and family who live around the globe.

Randall Web Gallery »